Online Credit Card: After taking a credit card, people ignore some small things. Due to which they also have to suffer a lot. In such a situation, some things should be kept in mind while using the credit card.
Credit Card Apply: Nowadays people use credit card a lot. Credit cards also have many benefits. Through this, people get some credit limit for making payments. With the help of which payment can be made in advance. At the same time, the credit card also provides many other benefits. Although there are some disadvantages of credit cards as well, if they are ignored then extra charges may also have to be paid. Took a credit card, but there are three things that should never be done. Credit utilization ratio, cash withdrawal and minimum payment should be taken care of while using a credit card..
1. Credit Utilization Ratio
If you want to improve your CIBIL score, then you have to take care of your credit utilization ratio. Try to have your credit utilization ratio at 30 per cent. By doing this your CIBIL score will be better. For example, if your credit card limit is 50 thousand rupees, then use only 30 percent i.e. 15000 rupees from your credit card. With this, the credit utilization ratio will be 30 percent and the CIBIL score will be better.
2. Cash Withdrawal
After paying through credit card, 40-45 days are available to pay the credit card bill. During this, it must be kept in mind that you should never withdraw money from ATM through credit card because you will not get interest free window of 40-45 days for withdrawing cash from ATM and in return you will get more money in the form of bill. Will have to pay.
3. Minimum Payment
You may get a bill for the minimum payment of the credit card and not get the bill for the full payment. However, while paying the credit card bill, keep in mind that always pay the full outstanding bill only. While making the minimum payment, you may also have to pay interest on the remaining amount.